Why should you sell Newstarters before their 9th Day?

My answer is : Don’t DO!


As most people on the Avenue know , newstarters get bought on their first day and when their starters Div is below 0.1 div/share, they will be sold as soon as possible.

So When a Newstarter created an account and planned to take some time to become active >> let say within the next few days >> …..

On day 4 ,  they log-in and see already a drop in their shareprice (because their div is < 0,1) .  SO the Fun is over and they quit!


After my opinion its not necessary  for investors to behave like this Buying / Selling on such a short term and loss eaves!

Pictures say more then thousand words, so i collected some accounts who just passed their 7th day >> let say Day 8 .

Look to the picture’s  to make up your mind!


My advice for investors

Give All newstarters a change to devellop during the first 9 days and don’t drop them because they are in RED.

Succes and have a great Day!



About promote4you

25 years ICT knowledge as technician, manager, sales, enterpreneur. Last year turned a complete other (social)direction to support Asylum seekers around the world. Very interested in the new social media environments and love to network. Start to promote your business through my social media network at http://www.promote4you.eu
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30 Responses to Why should you sell Newstarters before their 9th Day?

  1. DES Daughter says:

    Unfortunately I don’t think the sellers – especially those traders – are part of your audience… but who knows…

  2. Reblogged this on MYAN and commented:

  3. Kamal says:

    Hear Gerrit, hear.

  4. crabfiles says:

    I bought one new starter, who did nothing for four days. After I sold his shares at a loss his activity exploded, he went onto the leaders board and I ended up buying his shares again at over 100 eaves each. Lesson learned for me – repeated here to remind people that IT HAPPENS!

  5. Victor Ordu says:

    Hmm, this is interesting. I’ve never sold a newbie that fast. I wonder why anyone would do that…

  6. Thanks, Gerrit, I invest in all fresh faces and keep the shares. Time will tell! And you are right: it is not NICE to drop them like hot potatoes!

  7. Pingback: Why should you sell Newstarters before their 9t...

  8. daddychronic says:

    always remember: you do not get dividents from a profil which didnt buy your shares. We sell fresh faces as soon, as they have no actions on ea.

  9. Pingback: How to create a more enjoyable Empire Avenue for Newstarters? | Eav Daily Tips

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